Pune Hams (VU2RCP) monthly Eyeball QSO October 06, 2024

Pune Hams (VU2RCP) monthly Eyeball QSO was held today on Sunday 6th October2024 at Sci-com Software India Pvt Ltd Bavdhan Pune_

The meeting started with High Tea & self introduction with lot of interactions

Two hams VU2TBV & VU3MWH came all the way from Panvel

Latest Technology Developments in Audio Domain used in communication was the topic for the day

The Guest of honour was *Mr Ashok Dhingra, ex Philips Audio R&D Head* doing his PhD in Music at MiT Pune. He is also working on Digital Hearing Aids.

*SCICOM is working on technology developments in Audio Domain with a goal to help the Ham community with no hearing loss during QSO  It is estimated over 14% Hearing Loss (when not detected and corrected can lead to learning deficiencies impacting a person’s life adversely in many ways). SCICOM has developed a technology called “HearWell” which offers immense potential for hearing loss detection, counselling and compensation. A presentation and Demo for the same wa conducted by SCICOM Team viz *SWL Sham Agarwal & Vikrant Kelkar* under Dr Vishwas Udpikar’s guidance in today’s *Eyeball QSO*

An offshoot of SCICOM’s Audio Domain work is in Active Noise Cancellation Technology, particularly suitable for DX QSOs  or on-line Meetings held in noisy environments. 

This is called HUSHPROC and a Presentation on was made by SWL Sham Agarwal.

Both these technologies are adaptable to radio communication. VU2ZAG OM Sooraj is planning to implement in his home brewed Transceiver._ 

The meeting was concluded with vote of thanks by VU2VPR

73’s &. 88

Vilas Rabde