Monthly  Eyeball QSO on Saturday 8th February 2025

Pune Hams Monthly  Eyeball QSO commenced yesterday morning i.e. Saturday 8th February 2025 at MCCIA Electronic Cluster Foundation (MECF) from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

More than 10 Hams & SWLs participated in the Antenna Testing Workshop 

The Hams who brought their Antenna, were tested on a state of the art Test facility. 

The Chinese make VHF/UHF  3/8 found defective. It was resonating at 131 Mhz. The 456Mhz GP was found perfect with 1:1.2 SWR

The Cyronics Team under the leadership of Mr P Chilveri welcomed Pune Hams VU2RCP. He was supported by Mr Chandan & Dr Aippan who actively conducted the Antenna Testing Workshop 

Thanks for the hospitality with Breakfast from Ms Ramani  

The following equipment were used for Antenna Testing

VNA up to 44GHz

PICO VNA up to 8 GHz

Spectrum Analysers 26GHz and 3GHz

Different types of antennas manufactured by Chronics  (Bicone,Discone,Dipole Horn Patch etc..)

Were demonstrated with various Antenna parameter measurements.

“Drone Jammer” & Log periodic Antenna was most interesting along with Surveillance (up to 1.8Ghz) SDR  for Intersecting Enemy signals. It was  liked by participants.

The EMI/EMC setup is quite modern and very useful.

Mr Milind Thuse (in Red T shirt), MD,  Thuse Electronics  joined and shared his EMS service details.He said if HF Transceiver Prototype with circuit diagram  given, he can reproduce Transceiver plug & play type working and tested kits. 2 Band  20/40Mtr 50W HF Transceiver  working kit is a dream project of Pune Hams VU2RCP.

The Workshop was concluded by vote of thanks and interactions with comments from participants.

Those interested, pl contact,  MCCIA Electronic Cluster Foundation (MECF)

Tel: 020 2997 0416


Vilas Rabde

Pune Hams VU2RCP