_*Pune Hams VU2RCP monthly Eyeball QSO commenced yesterday morning (Sunday 2nd March 2025) at 10:30 AM to 12:00 noon*_
More than 18 Hams and SWLs were present.

The presence of Elmer Ham Couple VU2DU Vijay Davar & xyl VU2SN Sushma Davar (Nigudkar) from Gwalior (Now in US) brought excitement. Both shared Gwalior Ham Radio activity through memory lane. The above photo shows young Vijay & Team demonstrating Ham Radio in Gwalior Mela sometime in 1970.Sushma worked on APRS chips for US Defence when she was with Motorola in US

*OM Prateek Jha VU3YEK*. Demonstrated Setting up an Echolink Node using Baofeng VHF/UHF Handy and mobile phone through Somnath Dey’s aioc interface on UHF. Also through a Windows computer using Raspberry Pie. APRS Internet Gateway (I-gate), and other services using APRS
He also assisted participants in setting up APRS on Android phones and how any analog radio with a k type port can be made Aprs enabled when paired.

You can download aprsdroid _ stable version_ on the
phones from the link below
OM Kunal VU3YEJ actively assisted in above Demo

VU2VPR demonstrated the latest version of HF Signal’s BiTx V6. A cost effective all band 10W HF Transceiver. This pocket friendly rig will help newcomers to come on the Air.
VU3YEJ OM Kunal updated about how to handle new Hams and SWL Queries on www.vu2rcp.in
We are QRV on Echolink. Do join us on VU2ETD which is connected to VHF Repeater
The timings are 8:15 AM to 8:45 AM & 9:30PM to 10:00 PM. Thanks to Oscar Team from Kolkata for conducting both the nets
Do visit www.vu2rcp.in for latest updated
*Vilas Rabde* VU2VPR
_Pune Hams VU2RCP_