About us
We are the oldest Amateur radio group in pune
Established in 1975, VU2RCP i.e. “Amateur Radio Club of Pune” is the oldest group of Radio Amateurs in Pune devoted for Ham Radio as a Hobby
Things We do
Guidance to New Comers
Assisting in ASOC Exam Preparation
Field Day Activities
Amateur Radio Club Of Poona (a.k.a Pune Hams) is one of the oldest ham radio club in Pune since 1975. The club was formed by OM Vilas – VU2VPR, under the guidance of late VU2EJ and VU2EN
The motivating factor was to give support to SWL Pradeep Dalvi who was polio affected.
The club received VU2RCP call sign for club station in 1988. The club also received VHF Repeater licence as VU2PNE.
The VHF net every morning was very regular activity with every first Sunday of the month meeting initiated by VU2CK.
When all three senior stalwarts became ailment key OM Vilas VU2VPR took over as President.
Following activities were carried out by Pune Hams in 2019
1) Formation of Ham Radio club in Ajinkya DY Patil University, Lohegaon Pune equipped with VHF repeater (VU2ETD) running 24×7 covering Pune and around. The Repeater is also connected to internet via Echolink which is available 24×7 for all HAMs across the globe.
2) Pawar Public School is the first school in Maharashtra with four teachers having the HAM license fully equipped with HF and VHF Rigs with antenna, Pune Hams gave all support to the teacher getting there license, setting up station and carrying HAM radio activities in school.
3) Daily Net carried out on VHF / Echolink station at 0815 and 2130 hours with great passion by our net controller OM Shripad – VU3YUB and OM Dilip VU3UEL. Everyday more than 30 stations join via VHF / Echolink.
4) Every month on First Sunday Pune hams have Eyeball QSO along with technical sessions conducted by the experts on different topics.
5) The VHF Tape Antenna Workshop organised by Pune Hams on 7 April 2019 had over-whelming response, 16 Hams and SWL participated the worksop. OM Pranit VU3IMB, conducted the said workshop for 2 Hrs with 10 Kits prepared, US Ham Sean Kelly W5SPK joined the workshop.
6) Pune Hams organized Fox Hunt on Sunday 19th May 2019 in Ocean Cadet Academy’s annual 10 days Camp at Chikhali, 30Kms away from Pune. More than 50 OCA students participated in fox hunt.
7) Evey year Pune Hams with Bharat Scouts & Guides,HQ, Pune take part in JOTA/ JOTI event. Last year on 20th October 2018 more than 100 scouts from different schools participated in this event.
Every Sunday morning at 8:30 AM after regular net TechTalk is organised where discussions take place

What you get
You get to meet our awesome community, with experts from the various industries.
Awesome trips
We plan field days to awesome places nearby to Pune.
Unforgettable memories
With various events and field days, you take away the unforgettable memories with you for lifetime!
Strong friendships
We are connected with other HAM Clubs through out the globe.
Meet our Group
Our Members / patrons
Name | Callsign/SWL |
Sanjay Joshi | VU2SIJ |
Vilas P. Rabde | VU2VPR |
Milind S. Bhagwat | VU2MSB |
Ajit Karnik | VU2AMK |
Shripad Kulkarni | VU3YBU |
Dipak Zemse | VU2DVW |
Atul D. Kulkarni | VU3OPY |
Chandrakant B. Deshmukh | VU3FMM |
Arjun Sharma | VU3RYU |
Commodore Ashish Saxena | VU2ANM |
Mangesh Patil | VU2OOM |
Shirish Deshmukh | SWL |
Martin Ellis | G0PYB |
Slavko Kobal | S57MAP |
Kunal Gautam | VU3YEJ |
Amit Gurav | VU3SZO |
Sooraj Shenoy | VU3ZAG |
Shrivatsa Kulkarni | SWL |
Akshay Khobragade | SWL |
Parth Darade | VU3ZNE |
Pavan Karke | SWL |
Abdul Kader | VU2MF |
Kiran Madane | VU2MXE |
Neil Bruce | VU3EFZ |
Chandrakant K. Ghaidar | VU2CKI |
Siddharth Shivalkar | VU3EQX |
Sourabh | VU3IAC |
Kshitij Swadesh Mathur | VU2CDW |
Ulhas D. Dharmadhikari | VU2UDD |
Shounak | SWL |
Arghya Paul | SWL |
Amod Vilekar | SWL |
Sohan Dudala | VU2SZV |
Ramesh | VU3YRM |
Sanjay | SWL |
Shrinivas | SWL |
Upendra Kamath | SWL |
Saket Indra | SWL |
Omkar More | SWL |
Aniruddha Bokil | VU3FML |
Stephen Pollak (Suvarna) | VU3OPT |
Arvind Madhav Nayak | VU3CIQ |
Rakesh Shroff | SWL |
Dr Anandamay Mukhopadhyay | VU3IBY |
Sahil Siddiq | SWL |
Samrat Chowdhury | SWL |
Nitin Prashant Vibhute | SWL |
Devdatta Tengshe | SWL |
Yogesh Nene | SWL |
Omkar More | SWL |
Kanishk Singh | SWL |
Arnav Sareen | SWL |
Rishabh Jha | SWL |
Nikhil Burby | SWL |
Rishikesh C | SWL |
Vishal Arote | SWL |
Naval Prakash Kushwaha | SWL |
Sanket mane | VU3RHE |
Sateesh Rajhans | VU2SVZ |
Mihir Joglekar | MM7HIR |
Sanket Kalamkar | VU3ZKX |
Fadric D’Cruz | VU3DTT |
Parshuram Kute | VU2GPE |
Syed MohiddinBasha | VU2VIZ |
Pralhad Bodke | VU2TBV |